#list machine types

gcloud compute machine-types list

#list created instances

gcloud compute instances list

#create a redhat-6 instance with default machine type

gcloud compute instances create example-instance –image rhel-6 –zone us-central1-a

#delete redhat-6 instance

gcloud compute instances delete example-instance –zone us-central1-a

#create a ubuntu 15.10 instance with f1-micro machine type

gcloud compute instances create ubuntu1510-f1micro –image ubuntu-15-10 –zone us-central1-a –machine-type f1-micro

#create a ubuntu 15.10 instance with f1-micro machine type with HTTP/HTTPS enabled

gcloud compute instances create ubuntu1510-f1micro –image ubuntu-15-10 –zone us-central1-a –machine-type f1-micro  –tags http-server,https-server

#stop ubuntu 15.10 instance

gcloud compute instances stop ubuntu1510-f1micro  –zone us-central1-a

#start ubuntu 15.10 instance

gcloud compute instances start ubuntu1510-f1micro  –zone us-central1-a

#hardware reboot ubuntu 15.10 instance

gcloud compute instances reset ubuntu1510-f1micro  –zone us-central1-a

#ubuntu 15.10 instance change machine type to n1-standard-1

gcloud compute instances set-machine-type ubuntu1510-f1micro –machine-type n1-standard-1 –zone us-central1-a

#ubuntu 15.10 instance change machine type to g1-small

gcloud compute instances set-machine-type ubuntu1510-f1micro –machine-type g1-small  –zone us-central1-a

#ubuntu 15.10 instance change machine type to f1-micro

gcloud compute instances set-machine-type ubuntu1510-f1micro –machine-type f1-micro  –zone us-central1-a

#ubuntu 15.10 instance enable HTTP/HTTPS access

gcloud compute instances add-tags ubuntu1510-f1micro –zone us-central1-a –tags http-server,https-server